A welcome break

They’ve been promising rain for weeks, and we need it. Even with last year’s downpours, Texas is still in the middle of a huge drought, which a lot of people forget. We haven’t had a really good thunderstorm all spring, and without the release of static electricity there’s a sense of tension that builds in … Continue reading

Laying Low

The return of reliable high-speed internet, among other things, has somewhat diminished my desire for socialization. The characters on Lost and Friday Night Lights are so much more interesting than non-committal and/or angry people I deal with most of the day, and certainly cooler than any nonexistent romantic prospects. Relationships with actual fictional characters are … Continue reading

Apparently a hot dress will not change your life.

I wish it were true, but alas my fantastic sartorial acquisitions have had zero impact on the current state of affairs. In fact, they may or may not have brought on a blizzard, the awesome Brooklynbretta’s closing (and owner moving to Vermont), my cat’s rupturing rear end (with accompanying vet bills), and a series of … Continue reading

What I Want

And that’s really the question, isn’t it. What do I want? This weekend, it was pretty clear; I did exactly what I wanted for about 30 hours. After taking a final exam which wasn’t supposed to be cumulative (but was), saying one last “fuck you” to my Professor in which I stated “this is without … Continue reading


Hey there, it’s been two weeks. Seems like Monday night is my “I-don’t-give-a-fuck-about-this-week’s-work-that-I-haven’t-done-yet” night. After posting for my two FIU classes, driven DDH to FLL one last time this year, played a game of soccer, and savored several sips of chilled plum wine, and had a rather irritating conversation with the maternal parental unit, I … Continue reading


[while reading jan/feb 2004] God, I am SO out of practice with creative writing. I can’t even come up with a creative food metaphor for a godddamn post, even with the epic-style dinners of late. I used to be such a better writer. Boo. Life has sucked it out of me [melodramatic sigh].


It’s bad when I don’t want to talk to people. Not that I don’t want to talk to the people in my immediate vicinity; I get along fantastically with my roommates. It’s the tenuous electronic and telephonic links with my long-distance family and friends which are beginning to dissolve into an abyss of apathy. There’s … Continue reading

I should know myself better

I’ve been back from Spring Break for a week now, and even though I always profess to be so self-sufficient and stoic, my little introverted heart sometimes needs to be reminded that “yes, people do indeed like you. You are not abnormal. Well, you may be abnormal, but some people still like you.” It’s a … Continue reading

Today Blows, a Pseudo-scientific Proof

and it started off so well, for several reasons: it was 60 degrees outside, so not only did I get to wear flipflops, but my fun grey skirt. Had several Marilyn Monroe-esque moments on this windy afternoon which were fun. However, these things were not enough to counteract the following crappy events which shall be … Continue reading


bleh. thesis-ifying is much more difficult to concentrate on than previously anticipated. luckily, today is much better than yesterday, when i had the attention span of a 6 year old child. yes, i painted my nails, when to the farmers’ market, and rearranged my binders, but how much work did i *actually* get done? not … Continue reading