That’s all she wrote

I finished the 6th paper about Borges I’ve written in the past 2 years, banged out my last film paper and threw it in the box at the English house at Bryn Mawr with a flourish. It crashed into the sides as it soared through the air on the second floor, clanging into the cardboard … Continue reading


…wow. I just found my copy of Ficciones. which had fallen off my bookshelf and behind my desk. There would have been some *serious* repercussions if I’d lost all 5 Borges stories that I’m writing about for my thesis with NOTES all at once. It’s been raining so damn much around here that I was … Continue reading

Buon Viaggio

Well, i’m off to Italy for 2 weeks, staying on an island about 1/4 mile long, 12 acres total, south of Venice. Much glassblowing, much heat, and hopefully much fun. I hope I don’t run out of money…word on the canals is that Venezia is molto caro. Mom just asked me if I was going … Continue reading