
By the light of day the mystery dissolved from Redwood National Park, or rather more accurately from Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park. The mists, however remained, giving the place a positively prehistoric feel. Moss, ferns, bark, dirt, everything dripped in the fog; the forests distilled to the ur of plant existence: The Woods as … Continue reading

Cali Coast #6: North

Golden Gate Bridge, Fog

We left San Francisco after two beautifully sunny days, finally experiencing the famous soupy fog (I was beginning to think that it didn’t exist!). North of the City we cut over to the coast on Highway 1 and began what was my absolute favorite section of the coastal drive. People faded away and the roads … Continue reading

Cali Coast #5: San Francisco!

San Francisco is awesome. I can’t wait to go back. Good food! Fun people! Monumental architecture! Salsa with a live band! Charming neighborhoods to explore! Fabulous museums! Functional public transportation! Dancing in the Castro! I [heart] urban diversity. The below photograph from the Jean Paul Gaultier exhibit succinctly captures the essence of our City experience. … Continue reading

Cali Coast #4: Central

On and on and on we went, past cows, lighthouses, arched bridges, succulents in bloom and 25 mph hairpin turns! We spent a night on the beach just south of Watsonville, stopping by a fruitstand in the California’s agricultural heartland. The highway was bracketed by fields of strawberries, brussels sprouts and tasty tasty artichokes (nearby … Continue reading

Cali Coast #3: Big Sur

Free of the L.A. area traffic, we descended from the mountains of our campground and settled on a picturesque location for breakfast. The Mission Santa Barbara rose garden seemed as  good a place as any, so we took our granola and camp cups out onto the manicured lawn and ate among the flowers. Some very … Continue reading

Cali Coast #2: San Diego to Sta. Barbara

Our gracious hostess in San Diego told us that anything “north of the boobs” is generally considered L.A. Perplexed as to what this exactly meant, it became obvious once we passed this giant power plant on I-5. Its hemispherical structured certainly resemble part of female anatomy. So north of the boobs we headed west one … Continue reading

The Convergence of the Nerd Universe

“The Nerd Center of the Universe” is what they called it on the radio, and from what I’ve heard from the past few years, it’s also what I expected. Somehow the stars in the universe aligned and we arrived in San Diego the night before ComiCon. Glory be to the heavens! I have been so … Continue reading