Am I a grownup yet?

My current reading material inspired a fit of literary identification on the subway that messed me up darned good. The following paragraph leaped out of Cold Mountain and slapped my normally introspective self back to its senses. All in all, she suspected that her performance had been glib. Or flinty and pinched. None of which … Continue reading

Online dating is strange

In a flash of extroversion, and immediately preceded by several disappointing potential romances, I joined…along with thousands of other single New Yorkers. I’ve decided that I deserve someone interesting, engaging, cute, and available–all qualities that I am assured NOT to find in some bar in Manhattan. It’s been about a week now but seems … Continue reading

"These 10 days are going to be the longest 10 days of your life"

Said Rachael the wise, when I was in the midst of thesis hell yesterday. I skipped SeniorSem, dragged my tired ass to the drycleaner’s, and then came home to address the chaos known as La Tesis. I sat on my couch, facing the window at 5:45 as the sun was just beginning to set, resigned … Continue reading

Take Your Own Advice

Note to self: go grocery shopping. fridge is empty, save tortillas, 2 eggs, 1 pear. Productivity? Sure, I guess so. At least I turned in everything that was due, and G didn’t yell at me this week. That’s a good Friday in my book. Also, in a fit of culinary regression, I ate bunny-shaped macaroni … Continue reading

An Epitaph for Bitterness

Is the amarga really gone from Thea? I know it’s shocking, but generally speaking, I’m about as bitter as extra-rich milk chocolate, you know that kind that almost makes me ill it’s so creamy. Disgusting, uncharacteristic, yes. Healthier for me? Probably. I was chatting with a friend from high school last night, discussing my newfound … Continue reading

What Was It That They Say About Hindsight?

It was 37 degrees outside yesterday, and I went to class without a jacket. That’s the first time it’s been above freezing since January 17th. Good lord. I thought it was positively tropical; what’s coming to this state? When I left my apartment yesterday morning, I was dressed in ‘casual interview’ mode, with jeans and … Continue reading