F you, Fandango

It’s been a hell of a long week (and yes, I realize that it’s Monday). You see, my weeks this semester tend to start with  Wednesday and end on Monday at 10PM when the second of my two classes is over. It’s funny because Tuesday and Wendesday, rather than being actual weekend-ish days, are mostly … Continue reading

Down with June.

I am officially over the month of June. The entire month. It can go fuck itself for all I care. We’re through. I’m looking out of my 5th floor window at sheets of rain falling from slate-grey clouds and for the first time in a few days I’m happy to be bed-ridden. Screw you, June. … Continue reading

The Cruellest Month

I have long loved T.S. Eliot. As a young bookworm and self-proclaimed ailurophile I could recite passages of Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats from memory and sang along to my parents’ LP of Andrew Lloyd Weber’s spectacle of kitsch at the top of my small lungs. I even won over the judges of my … Continue reading

Blast from the past

I got home today, and what to my wondering eyes should appear? Not a sleigh and eight tiny reindeer (although that would be cool), but a clean room and semi-organized garage. This is something that I have not observed in the Williamson house since some time when I was in college. Definitely pre-2002. In the … Continue reading

Not feelin’ it.

There was a lot of fluffy goodness growing this March, and my chirpy spring spirit turned more to a growl once the results of spring’s “anticipation” came in. I went to the Cherry Blossom Festival, alone. This surprises no one, as I do many things alone now: museums, movies, cultural events, neighborhood exploring. But dammit, … Continue reading

Goddamn Windshield Wipers. Grr.

My cryptic angry post of last night should be followed by some sort of explanatory narrative. There’s a lot of amargura flowing through my veins lately, mostly due to my work, but it’s seeping into other parts of my life as well. In order to root out this poisonous feeling, I wanted to find the … Continue reading

Storm Front

Well, thunder still crackles through a grey sky here in Miami, but the bront of the storm has passed. Katrina burst into my life in not quite a happy time, thoroughly disrupting my already disjointed routine with more catastrophic news. Wednesday night, on my way to our first PLC (Professional Learning Community; TFA likes to … Continue reading

Dramatic Irony

Ever since I left for vacation in July, things have been happening in my periphery which effect me. For some reason, the powers that be have decided not to involve me in their decision-making process. At first, it was professional; I was transferred to a new school, our administration left and the district didn’t see … Continue reading

What I Want

And that’s really the question, isn’t it. What do I want? This weekend, it was pretty clear; I did exactly what I wanted for about 30 hours. After taking a final exam which wasn’t supposed to be cumulative (but was), saying one last “fuck you” to my Professor in which I stated “this is without … Continue reading


I’m having a serious moral dilemma. Ever since I got back from Minnesota, life just keeps sliding closer and closer to the shitter. For some reason, every organization in Miami-Dade County wants to lie, manipulate, and otherwise make my life hell. I reported to work on Monday, went to my required innane, sometimes painfully boring … Continue reading